
The Corruption Continues...

Portugal as one of the oldest nations in the world, continues to have one of the most expensive final consumer prices of any oil product (diesel /regular) in the world ...
Even now as Crude oil fell to a six-month low in New York ...Crude oil for October delivery fell to $95.52 a barrel on the Nymex, the lowest since Feb. 26 !!!

Oil in New York has fallen 35 percent from a record $147.27 a barrel on July 11 as high prices and slowing global economic growth reduce demand for fuels ... however Portugal this very moment has the most expensive final consumer price for gasoline in Europe and one of the highest in the world... BP filling stations are the most expensive ...

This situation proves how these oil companies together with the government have no respect for the consumer...

This situation places the economy in the RED, as consumers pay more and more for energy....while in the international market prices are falling...

The crude market has decreased more than 33% from the July high of $147.50 to the today price $95.52 !!!
However consumers in Portugal continue to pay as if prices were at a all time high ...
BP,Galp and Repsol prices are today a ataggering 1.458 euro per litre for regular 95 Octane !!!
There is no justification for the inflated gasoline prices sold by Galp, BP and REPSOL and in particular by BP.!!!

These inflated oil prices have the approval of the government .. and of course the higher the oil price the more revenue for the government....Oil consumption in Portugal this year has dropped more than 11% and all tendencies indicate that it will continue and pass 12% !!!

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